...a place to bury thoughts

In the Middle of the Water

March 7, 2024 @ 12:03 am ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Buffalo Sabres, CANWNT, Gold Cup, The Gentlemen

Fare thee well Casey

Fare thee well Casey

Well, Sabres GM finally did something today. A hockey trade. Player for Player. The deal: To Colorado: Casey Mittelstadt To Buffalo: Bowen Byram. I don't know much about the new Sabres defenseman from the Avs. I've read he is young and was a high draft pick. He's had some concussion issues but also has very high potential. The Avs have some great defense already so he wasn't getting the time on ice he should be. So we'll see... The Sabres needed to strengthen the defense. Mittelstadt. Mittelstadt. Well... I didn't always like him as a Sabres he's been around for seven years and for the first five of that I wanted him traded. But the Sabres kept him and he has finally blossomed into a decent player in the last two seasons. So of course the Sabres trade him. *eyeroll* I hope he does great in Colorado. I may watch a game or two to see how he is settling in.

Water bowl

Water bowl

The Women's Gold Cup Semi was between the U.S. and Canada. The conditions were appalling. There was massive pooling water all over the pitch. It was brutal. It reminds me of one the Men's games in the Caribbean. It makes the game a bit of a joke. Anyway... It was a really tight game. The U.S. was highly favoured going into the game. But, Canada got a late PK call when the Canadian player got a fist in the face from the U.S. goalie. Leon scored to tie it up!! So the game went to PKs which is always a dogs breakfast. The shots: ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ โŒโŒโœ…โŒ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ โœ…โŒโœ…โœ… Canada couldn't score. Do they practice PKs? First two were the same shot. Ugh. I've never seen a goalie take a PK... U.S. to face Brazil in the final on Sunday. Go Brazil!

Sunset and Shadows

Sunset and Shadows

We met Brian and dogs at Cold Creek today for a walk. She brought an assortment of jelly beans she didn't like...Which appeared to be most of them (Yellow, Red, Black...Hmm) It was unseasonably warm and the dogs got into endless trouble. Ours, once again, found human shit...*SMH* Ugh...I um... Ugh.

Sabres new acquisition Byram is looking good. He plays like Dahlin. I think he'll be a great addition. Now if we can only score some goals....

We started watching The Gentlemen tonight. It is not what I was expecting but it seems very promising. I WANT YOU TO BECOME A CHICKEN! ๐Ÿ”

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