...a place to bury thoughts

MAX SCOOOooooores!!!

May 7, 2007 @ 09:05 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Buffalo Sabres, bdot, family

Crazy ending in game 5! Now do you believe?

Crazy ending in game 5! Now do you believe?

I think my heart rate is back down to normal nowโ€ฆ. the ending to the Sabres/Rangers game 5 was intense. Sabres scoring with 7 seconds left in the 3rd then getting a powerplay goal by Max in OT to take a 3-2 series lead. It will be tough to win game six in New York but the Sabres will hopefully ride this big emotional win.

B. is away. She went up to Killaloe to see her grandmother. She was having some heart complications and things werenโ€™t sounding too good. Today she is apparently better and quite receptive to her numerous guests. I hope all goes well for her.

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