At the in-laws cottage…
Bdot and I (and of course the dog) were lucky enough to have her sister’s cottage all to ourselves for a few days earlier this week. It was wonderful and relaxing. Our BBQ at home is basically on its last breathes. Considering money is tight we are looking at other options than dropping over a grand on the gas BBQ we want. So, while at the cottage we tested out Bill’s charcoal BBQ. It must be over a decade since I used a charcoal BBQ. But wow… with a chimney… it is actually pretty easy to light and cooks really well.

The way of the future?
The last day at the cottage (Friday) the nephews and everyone joined us at the cottage. It was a sunny day, perfect for more BBQing, a few drinks and relaxing. So that is what we did. We also discovered the magic of bacon wrapped hot dogs and poutine.

Oh yes!
We were certainly enjoying ourselves but had to go home for my Dad interment Saturday morning.
I’ve thought about my Dad a lot since his passing. Someday’s you think of something and want to get his opinion then realize you can’t. The funereal director told us to do the interment as soon as possible because it reopens the emotion and the grief. He was right. Surrounded by just immediate family in the warm sun in Welland, we said a final emotional goodbye to my Dad. I had words written to say but I was overcome with emotion and couldn’t say them. My mother read a few passages illustrating succinctly the character of my Dad. Which was in a word, magnanimous. We added come scratch tickets and a Sabres hat to the vault. The morning was certainly a very difficult time.
The family met back at my Mom’s where the atmosphere changed to one of celebration and reflection of the great person we all knew. We stayed as long as we could into the early evening. It was the kind of day where my Father was really missed.
While at the cottage, Bill suggested I check out Dell Canada’s refurb site on Ebay. He said there are some really good deals on older computers and laptops. Deals indeed! I’ve got my eye on a wonderful little laptop. I’ll know Saturday if I win it or not. *fingers crossed*