...a place to bury thoughts

Shit Luck

February 14, 2010 @ 07:02 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

bdot, zappy, Kev and Suz

Dangerous for cats

Dangerous for cats

Kev and Suz came over last night for the evening. It was a great visit. We havenโ€™t seen them for some time. We did a lot of talking and hanging out, it was a relaxing evening. Today we ventured north to find snow for snowshoeing. After gorging on bacon for breakfast we set off. The first stop was at the outdoors store we love in Barrie called Sojourn. After shopping we ended up in Copland Forest to go snowshoeing. Kev trail blazed us bushwhacking through the bush. It was a great walk. My legs feel pretty heavy now thoughโ€ฆ Good times. We planned to do more in the spring.

Zappy (now a.k.a. Crappy) has always liked elastics and strings and things that cats really shouldnโ€™t because they can be deadly. Weโ€™ll she used up a life tonight. She suddenly plopped down beside us and dragged her butt on the carpet. Iโ€™ve never seen a cat do that. Needless to say there was a big matted mess there and an elastic. Sighโ€ฆ Damn cats. I was surprised she was so cooperative during her cleaning.

It has been a wonderful VD with B. too. Thanks hon. It is important to stop periodically and reflect upon what one has. ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh! โ€ฆand B. picked out her ring. The ring that was originally her Christmas present that sheโ€™ll now be getting in March. The process has certainly taken on a life of its own. It is purrrrdeee.

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