...a place to bury thoughts

Careerapa-loser :P

May 6, 2004 @ 10:05 pm 🔗 Post Link

work, www, hockey, Meme

waste of time

waste of time

Huh. Captain and I ventured off to Careerapaloza with – I thought – fair expectations of a rather elaborate career fair… What a bust. With all the promotional advertising and a nice web site…. I was expecting a decent number of employers to be there in a broad range of career fields… There were about 40 or so. And some were simply handling out product, not hiring. Bah. I think more time should have been spent attracting employers instead of creating advertising. 😛

I’m going to start doing Theme Thursday and Photo Fridays… (Take photos based on weekly themes… check the d-cam for my pics…)

Update: D-Cam section is gone. Photos now on instagram and flickr. So all the links are gonezo.

Death of Friday Five…

This is the end of the Friday Five. I know most of you have seen this coming and I appreciate you humoring me.’ from fridayfive.org

Hmmpt. I’ll have to replace F5 with something. It was kinda fun. Here is a decent list of options… or maybe if interest is shown, I’ll pick up the torch myself.

Huh. Canada barely squeaked by Finland today in World hockey competition… I know the players aren’t the *best* Canada has to offer… But I think Canadians should realize we are no longer the massive untouchable hockey power we once were. There are many great European hockey countries today… (and the US) Much like the NHL… Any given year, any team can win Gold (or the Cup). It will be tough this year indeed. 6-2 v. the Czech.. Ouch, wakey wakey boyZ. Go Canada! Next game is:
Saturday, May 8, 2004
16:15 – SWE vs USA Semi-Final Prague, CZE
20:15 – CAN vs SVK Semi-Final Prague, CZE
Wow… The US beat the Czechs!

Update: links are all dead or 404.

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