TFC 2013
It is curious that I keep doing blog updates from my weekend the follow Wednesday. Ugh. Mondays are mere survival it seems, and Tuesdays you get something done then collapse. By Wednesday it seems, I finally have a moment to reflect. Anyway, last Saturday was a busy day. It was a planned outing with my mates to a TFC game. Before I left I enjoyed a badly needed massage and ran a few errands. I met up with nivek at his place in Vaughan mid-afternoon. We then drove to Yorkdale to catch the TTC into the city. This ended up being a brilliant way to get to downtown Toronto. No traffic jams. No $20+ for parking. Hop on, hop off…. and only $6 for a round trip. Aces. We ended up meeting the boys (Captain, Mike and Dean) at the Loose Moose. We actually had a reservation! Post-40 I guess guys actually plan things? The location was really central and it is hard to argue with the most draught beers downtown tagline. And there was. The boys tried an assortment of beers: Lake of Bays Spark House (Me), Spearhead Hawaiian (Dean), Hops and Robbers IPA (Captain)… and others. *eyeroll* With an such an impressive beer list in front of us it was shocking that nivek drank Stella and Mike drank a domestic, store-bought light beer. Yep. I’d return to the Moose just to take advantage of their 3 oz sample size. I’ve never seen an option to sample beer before! The Moose is a long somewhat narrow bar, it has a very pubby feel… it was always busy and had a lively atmosphere to it.
Three of us (Dean, myself and nivek) decided to cab it over to BMO field. Captain needed a smoke break and Mike was insistent that he could scam a ride on the TTC to BMO somehow. *shrug* We arrived first, of course… I bet it was another 15-20m before the other two finally showed up. The seats were awesome, mid-field and under the lighting overhang so we stayed nice and dry the whole game. (Thanks to nivek for arranging the tickets!) The game was pretty entertaining. TFC showed some heart and hustle in the first half against Philadelphia, scoring on a remarkable diving header. Unfortunately soccer has two 45 halves. Once behind, Philadelphia hit their higher gear and pushed the play most of the second half. TFC did well for most of the half but gave up goal close to extra time crushing fans and leaving everyone to settle for another draw. It would have been nice to witness a win. As Mike accurately stated, sure looks like another team owned by Maple Leafs Sports and Entertainment. Ho-hum.

The Woody
After the game the five of us decided to return to the Moose. *smirk* The problem was no cab would take five guys… so we starting walking… occasionally a cab would pass and we’d ask if they take five. It was no, no, no, then… yes! Finally one cabbie was up for the drive (I don’t know why it was a big deal… it was maybe 10m away). Once arriving back at the packed Moose we got seating closer to the back of the pub. Curiously the back section has no TVs… so it made watching the Pens/Bruins challenging. The meal of the day was certainly the Moose’s signature burger The Woody. I’m not sure where he puts them, but Mike ate two of these burgers. One before the game and one after. Phew. I quite enjoyed mine even thought something upset my tummy a bit. I’m certainly not going to blame the beer. By the evening everyone was getting a little sluggish… After a pint we decided to go our separate ways. It was a fun evening as always with the lads. Lots of laughs and camaraderie.
Huh. Found out the next day that the GO Train Captain and Mike took back to Niagara stopped for over two hours as someone jumped in front of it. I haven’t been able to find any story online about it however. Crazy.
In lighter unrelated news my parents have cats again. The as of yet unnamed kittens arrived on Monday. It sounds like they are bringing a lot of joy to my parents. Hopefully they don’t get regrettable names.
Bdot continues to recover. She is walking around and working part-time now. The effects are still present. If she pushes too hard various symptoms return… I figure she’ll need at least another week until she is close to 100%.
Reno battles continue to be waged. The battle is now over ceiling lights. Bloody hell ceiling lights are ugly.