...a place to bury thoughts


June 15, 2005 @ 10:06 am ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

home, pets, geeky and tech, National Treasure



Saturday: cut the lawn, cleaned the washrooms, dog, cat, install software, tv, sleep.

Sunday: Had some of my buddies over for a โ€˜gameโ€™ dayโ€ฆ We played NHL 2002 and Halo 2 on my XBOX and Unreal Tournament 2004 on my PCs. Iโ€™m a little disappointed with the Wireless B connection. I figured it would be slowerโ€ฆ I didnโ€™t think it would be so spotty, drop connections and be unable to connect at times. JJ suggested getting a repeater for the wireless signal. Perhaps. In the evening B. and I finally got a few hours together and watched National Treasure. It wasnโ€™t too bad. Somewhat hokey at times but the psuedo-historical slant was interesting for me. โญโญโญยผ

The cats are funny. Zoie is fairly indifferent, if not tolerant of the dog. Remi has stopped hiding and is curious but not friendly towards the dog. Tanga wants to play with the cats. Judging from the hissing and swatting I donโ€™t think the cats speak dog very well and donโ€™t take well to being barked at. But things are going better than I expected with the new addition and the felines.

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