...a place to bury thoughts

Labour day alright. Bah.

September 4, 2007 @ 10:09 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, Family, food

One of many islands, in one of many lakes in lovely Ontario

One of many islands, in one of many lakes in lovely Ontario

It was another weekend away at the cottage. I managed to get Friday off so we ventured north earlier in the day. (Earlier for us is usually before noon… the biggest problem with going away is always packing and preparing to leave.) B. had a hairdressers appointment in Bolton for 11. So I had a little time to kill while waiting for her to get her hair cut. I walked the dog around Bolton. It seems like a nice town. It is pretty busy down the main streets but no where as crazy as the main streets of Brampton.

I tried some Thai from the ‘only’ Thai restaurant in Bolton. It wasn’t bad. Pretty pricy for the portion though. $13 for 3 shrimp, a few pieces of chicken and rice. Hmm. *scratches head* We arrived on Glouster Pool in the mid-afternoon. It was a nice weekend for weather, mostly sunny and warm. The weekend unfolded as they usually do. For starters we ate really well. Steak one night, ribs and chicken the other… all BBQed (as usual) to perfection by B.’s brother in law. We got to spend some time with our new nephew Sammy; B.’s sister’s newborn. He is a great little sleeper! He slept through a smoke alarm, a boat ride (on a busy choppy series of lakes), a bear attack (ok, not a bear attack… just a big black dog that was ‘confused’ for a bear – *smirk* ) and much of our revelry. B.’s other nephew, Medium R, played with Remote controlled boats and cars a lot during the weekend. They were fun. I ended up helping B.’s brother in law put up some panelling in the bunky. I wasn’t aware it was going to be a ‘working’ weekend. I don’t mind. I appreciate being able to go to the cottage and helping out where I can… but it would be nice to know *prior* to arriving so that expectations of the weekend can match. Her brother in law is *always* working on something, or has a project going… he enjoys that. That isn’t me.

We got home late last night. B. found she won a camera on ebay but discovered it was the wrong camera so… she was upset about that. Especially after the seller wasn’t answering any of her questions. Hopefully this get resolved… regardless what happens I feel in the end she will have a great SLR camera.

Bah. Once again working on a holiday. Good bye day off… *waves*

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