...a place to bury thoughts

Oh Kurwa!

June 19, 2018 @ 03:06 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

World Cup 2018, hiking, outdoors, sports

Poland beaten by lower ranked team

Poland beaten by lower ranked team

Oh Kurwa! The Poles at the World Cup:

  • Own goal.
  • Beat by lower ranked team.
  • No call in the box, late in the game.

Poland being Poland. Sigh.

View from the sunshade ๐Ÿ˜€

View from the sunshade ๐Ÿ˜€

It was stupid hot this weekend. Feels like: the surface of Mars. It was over 40C. So, I pretty much would hide from the Ball of light at that temperature. But we did the opposite and found some respite in Georgian Bay. We planned a day trip to Awenda Provincial Park. The plan was to bring the bikes and hit the beach. Having bikes at a PP is awesome. If you have bikes โ€“ always โ€“ bring them to a Provincial Park. It is a bit of a drive, but when it gets so hot, you have to be near water. The bikes allowed us to park and get to the furthest beach (#4), with all our stuff: sunshade, food, chairs. We were going to go for a longer ride, but we arrived a little later than we thought we would. So we went directly to the beach. Time seemed to pass quickly, so it was a good decision to get as much chill time by the water as we could. The water was quite cold but really refreshing under the baking Sun. It was a great afternoon. It wasnโ€™t too busy either. Weโ€™ve always wondered why PPs are always full of non-English first speakers. NOT a criticism, just a curiosity. We figure because it is affordable and easy for larger families. (Awenda has a per carload fee not per person for day use) *shrug*

Rob Rogers, 25 years as the editorial cartoonist for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, was fired after he published this...

Rob Rogers, 25 years as the editorial cartoonist for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, was fired after he published this...

Huh. Well, I guess it isnโ€™t surprising. 45 and his repugnant Republican thugs have an appalling, viscous policy that separates parents from children entering into the U.S. illegally. The policy has been condemned worldwide and by the U.N.. 45 dopes along like a moron, finger pointing and spouting rhetoric (as usual) instead of actually doing something about it. It is a heartbreaking and sad state of affairs for the U.S. The clown and his gutless bunch of ass kisers canโ€™t be impeached soon enough. Such an embarrassment.

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