...a place to bury thoughts

No fuss with Joeyicus

May 18, 2009 @ 11:05 pm 🔗 Post Link

friends, pets, tanga, Joeyicus

What the weekend was about…

What the weekend was about…

Spent the weekend at my buddy’s cottage near Campbellford this weekend. We were concerned the weekend was going to be rained out as it poured during most of drive up. However… the rain stopped shortly after we arrived and wasn’t an issue the entire weekend! Granted the nicest day was the holiday Monday and we left early.

It was a very relaxing and fun weekend. Joe and Monika were wonderful hosts. We ate really well and had few concerns during the weekend. Pat and Jenn were also up for the weekend and added to the frivolity. It doesn’t seem like we did a lot. Hehe… We went into town once, made a few massive fires, lit a few fireworks Sunday night but we mostly sat around, talked and ate. Which is just fine, I guess that is what a long weekends are for. We brought the dog up to the cottage for the first time and Joe’s daughter Ariel seems to take a strong liking to her. Thanks to everyone involved, it was a good time.


Heh… going through my photos I found a few surprises. Joe’s son Travis is a bit of a gadget geek. He likes to play around with cameras, ipods etc… any computer/electronic device he can find. Well… he recorded three videos on my camera. What a strange little boy… 😛


As promised a few more photos. Yes I went pro. I ❤ flickr.


My sister’s cat EvilChewy got outside and found himself locked out for a good part of Sunday. He mangled up some of his paws. Hopefully he is okay. EVIL!EVIL!

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