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Ironman and flowers

May 16, 2010 @ 06:05 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

home, Ironman, Family

Freakish flower we saw at the Garden Centre. Didnโ€™t get the name. :/

Freakish flower we saw at the Garden Centre. Didnโ€™t get the name. :/

Most of the windows in our house are still the original 25+ year old windows. We have been looking into upgrading the windows and some of the doors. It is pretty pricey. We are debating various options on how to do the job. In small pieces or a big job where we would get it all done.

We decided to join my sister and BiL in Barrie to see Ironman II last night. We started off intending to met up for dinner at Jack Astorโ€™s but somehow that fell apart. B. and I ended up going to Wood Fired Pizza Joint which is within sight of the theater. Dinner was good, albeit a little expensive. Seven bucks for a salad? *cough* Anyway, we were on time for the show but since it was the first weekend for the show the theater was crammed and we got stuck in the front row. Bah. The movie was entertaining. Downey is pretty awesome in that role, the cocky superhero. Johansson looked great and had a few girl power ass-kicking scenes. Rourke continues to impress โ€“ Jesus he is huge. โญโญโญโญ

Today was primarily yard work. I think we took back most of the front lawn from the dandelion scourge. We also did some planning for the front garden and made a trip to a local garden center to get some stuff for the planters. I found a planted called obsidian, the basis of the alias Iโ€™ve used for years. Iโ€™ll be added some to the next garden bed. *grin* Pretty tired now. Holy the Habs got owned tonight. Ouch. Kinda funny hearing Filthy fans chanting the obnoxious Ole song. Hahahaโ€ฆ

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