...a place to bury thoughts


September 30, 2005 @ 06:09 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

media, work, Battlestar Galactica

They don't really have a plan :P

They don't really have a plan :P

There arenโ€™t very many quality programs on TV. Sure there is the mindless drivel youโ€™ll *watch*, but youโ€™d never say it was *good*. So I was happy today when my co-worker said โ€˜Youโ€™ve got to check out this amazing Sci-Fi seriesโ€ฆyouโ€™ve heard of Battlestar Galactica right โ€“I nod-, Well they have remade the series and it is great โ€“No way!-.โ€™ So we watched the first episode today and wowโ€ฆ Very impressive! The acting, writing, visuals, plotโ€ฆ all there in spades. If you like Sci-Fi it really is a *must-see*. (Where have I heard that before?) Iโ€™m hooked after the first episode.

I was happy to hear the Big Company that we pitched out game from (the one I was working on all weekend long) was well received. The client said it was โ€˜amazingโ€™. Huh. Who knewโ€ฆ we all thought it wasโ€ฆ well, okโ€ฆ

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