...a place to bury thoughts

I like Christmasโ€ฆ Huuuuh!

December 12, 2005 @ 09:12 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

anime and animation, Christmas, tanga, Cowboy Bebop



Phew. A long weekend for sureโ€ฆ Driving to Ottawa (Killaloe) always seems to take forever. In spite of having slept most of the way I still felt lethargic most of the weekend. We ate well and exchanged a round of presents. I got some cool stuff. Chocolate, clothes , tea! We found some time to get in a little shopping and got our Christmas tree on the way home. It is so much extra work with a real tree. I often wonder why we bother. It is fun finding it. The rest gets tiresome quickly. The tying it to the car, the unloading, cutting, spiking, trimming etc. bah.. Anyway I guess it looks alright. It certainly smells like we brought the outdoors indoors.

Downloaded another anime series, Cowboy Bebop. I hesitated on this series because I thought the name was gay. After watching the first episode my opinion was sooo wrong. It seems really slick and well done, more like what Iโ€™m looking for in Anime. Not the freakish big eyed lovey dovey anime but more realistic stuff geared towards adults (no not hentai :P).

Hehe. My puppy made it into the Vizsla Rescue Calendar for 2006. Miss November. *Blush* Gah, not like she needs more attention. I hope Vogue and Cosmo donโ€™t call. Iโ€™ll post a pic shortly. Not tonight. Iโ€™m exhausted and this is all you get.

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