...a place to bury thoughts

So hungryโ€ฆ

October 23, 2013 @ 10:10 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

bdot, food, health, Buffalo Sabres

Lime Jell-o

Lime Jell-o

So Iโ€™m having a colonoscopy tomorrow. The prep for it has meant some serious dietary restrictions. Today was โ€˜fluids onlyโ€™. The closest thing to food I can eat is Jell-oโ€ฆ So Iโ€™ve had three bowls. Ugh. You have to um, flush the system prior to the testโ€ฆ soโ€ฆ that has certainly been the most unpleasant part of this so far. Iโ€™m so getting a monstrous burger after the testโ€ฆ

Thanks to bdot for keeping me hydrated and fed.

Sabres have become so frustrating to watch. They actually were only one goal behind the Bruins going into the thirdโ€ฆ. but appeared to lay down for the period. It is mind boggling. Two shots in the third? Where is the effort? Embarrassing. Fire Darcy?? Fire the whole lot of them.


Well that was fun. The Scope clinic was clean and professional. The entire process was just under two hours. The Doctor (Dr. Helena Lau) thought it was curious I was there for the test at such an early age. She even said you leave if you want to. Um, honeybunch, I didnโ€™t shit my body out for a day and miss solid food to go home without getting checked out. The tests found nothing! Additionally everything was good and Iโ€™m scheduled for retestingโ€ฆ in ten years. The most discomfort was after the testโ€ฆ there was a lot of gas trapped in my body (not to mention I was starving) โ€“ those things combined to make my mid-section rather uncomfortable. I feel better after an extended trip to the throne and some food. Thanks to bdot for driving me home.

There were three...

There were three...

The wife ate the bag. But did save me three. There were the last two. Gummicious.

โšฌ โšฌ โšฌ ๐Ÿ‡ช ๐Ÿ‡ณ ๐Ÿ‡ฉ โšฌ


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