...a place to bury thoughts


January 16, 2003 @ 06:01 pm 🔗 Post Link

linux, APTBT, home

My car is at the other end of the spectrum

My car is at the other end of the spectrum

well I wasn’t expecting that to work…haha… anyways… Yes the site has (and is still) undergoing a move… for shits and giggles I’ve moved the server over to linux… (geeky huh?) and it has taken MANY hours of installing, formatting, questions in forums and reading FAQs to get it back (and like I said some things, such as sendmail for the contact form still are not functional….) but I hope to figure this and the cure for cancer soon…

It has been a few days since I was able to blog due to the server move. Other than coding and swearing at my computer I really have not done a whole lot…

It was an interesting move… I believe I have learned a bit about linux and configurations and how VERY different unix security operates…

Anyways… will be going up to visit a buddy in Toronto tomorrow. (I need to get out of this house)


The gf took off early this morning and now she isn’t feeling well. So… turned out to be a quiet Sunday… I was hoping to get some air, but she has the car, so laundry it is. Joy! In spite of the annoyance and inconvenience of owning just one car between two people… I don’t think I would want to have to pay to run two cars. What money pits. And our car (99 Toyota Tercel) has worked like a dream. I couldn’t imagine what people that drive domestic cars must pay a year. Egads. Silly humans.


wow. fell into a blog coma there… first things first.
1. Where are you right now?
Basement of house where my computers are.

2. What time is it?
Late. WTF I should be asleep. But I do enjoy the quiet and darkness so much…

3. What are you wearing?
T-Shirt and blue jeans.

4. Any people or animals around you? Describe them.
My cat (who IS asleep) she is white and black and noisy. Except when she is asleep.

5. What are your plans for the weekend?
Visited some friends this eve. Good times.

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