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Houses and Hockey

April 7, 2008 @ 07:04 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Home, Hockey

Weekend? What weekend? It was very busy. We are in full house-prep mode for the sale of the house. Ironically it is looking really good. The bathrooms and kitchen has been repainted, closet doors attached, new lights, fixed the downstairs washroom, removed TONS of household clutter (3+ trips to the dump) and various other cosmetic changes. It has been a lot of work for both myself and B.. I want to note as well the exception help from Kelly and Doris (and JP!)whose assistance, guidance and thoughtfulness during this reno has been exceptional and deeply appreciated. We may be able to list the house in about a week. Which obviously begs the question, where are you moving to? Well, we were thinking Bolton after finding a nice house in our price range there. Weโ€™ve seen a lot of houses we donโ€™t like. Personally Iโ€™d like to find a few more โ€˜likeableโ€™ houses as a basis of comparison. In general, this is a tough decision. We have some good friends in Brampton and Bolton is further from *most* people we know in the GTA. Iโ€™m pretty tired of the 410 and the delays and general over crowding of Brampton. They is only going to get worse. Especially in Heartlake, where we are now. Moving always bring up some trepidation, this is no different. Weโ€™d be moving to a new town we know a very little about. But I welcome the change. I believe it will be good for B. and I on a number of levels.

Enough about houses. Ball hockey was fun. We were playing an 8-1 team (our team is below .500) and we had a fairly small turn out of players. But wowโ€ฆ we played, by far, our best TEAM gameโ€ฆ. and won a convincing 7-3 win! I didnโ€™t show up on the scoresheet but had a solid game. My favourite moment was pushing an opposing defence into his net, which he fell over knocking the net down. Tee-hee. I love hockey! Yes, I got 2 for roughing. *smirk* We have playoffs next week. That should be intense, I better eat my Wheaties!

My brother in law stopped in yesterday for a short visit. He is back to Ontario scoping Barrie for a home. Yes he and my sibling are returning to Ontario! ๐Ÿ™‚ It was great to see him, and I thank him for his insightful comments during our house hunting.

Congrats to Nivek who told me he is expecting his second child! That is great news! I wish him and Sandra all the best!

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