...a place to bury thoughts


June 17, 2003 @ 10:06 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

www, APTBT, bdot, relationship

Oh yes, skeletons.

Oh yes, skeletons.

After a horrible experience with canadawebhosting.com I have moved my site to hostcolor. So far already, at least stuff worksโ€ฆ.โ€ฆ Please bear with me as I modified, correct and update unsung to function with the new host.

Update: Ultimately hostcolor ended up sucking too. Iโ€™m no longer hosting with them either.

talking โ€™bout it

Iโ€™m a sensitive guy. Often overly-sensitiveโ€ฆ It has it pros and cons. Finding someone who can appreciate (accept, tolerate, empathize, relate) was crucial for me, as it such a big part of who I am. I believe I have. There are skeletons that lurk out occasionally and confuse me and detrimentally impact the presentโ€ฆ but Iโ€™ve found it possible to air them out, challenge them and hopefully dissolve them with B.. It is hard to drop all the walls, but it is necessary. Anything less is unfair and not worthy of the love Iโ€™m receiving. Phew. A very positive reflective day. And there is stuff to be doneโ€ฆThanks for listening B..

99 miles from L.Aโ€ฆ.

Another weekend passes. As it seems to be routineโ€ฆ there was not enough timeโ€ฆ there never seems to be. Fortunately it is a short week nowโ€ฆ A curious thing. There is a sign on the QEW towards the โ€˜Falls for Twenty Valley Tourist areaโ€ฆ I live about 20 minutes from that sign. Odd. Silly thing. I love the History of New Music by Alan Cross on CFNY.

And Audrey Hepburn just because.

Update: History link is now a 404. Removed.

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