...a place to bury thoughts

Hockey, birthdays and BBQs

May 7, 2010 @ 06:05 pm 🔗 Post Link

Ball hockey, Sibling



Last night’s game wasn’t so good. I didn’t play that well either… I felt pretty good though. Did I mention how much it sucks to wear glasses during sports? Anyway, I tried a glasses’ sport strap last night… Now normally I think it would be great.. but wearing a hockey helmet with it created all sorts of fsckery. I’ll have to sort that out. Meh. Hopefully we can be better on Tuesday. One of the guys on my team just turned 50… 50! and playing ball hockey with mostly 20-30 year olds. Freaking awesome man!

Surprise! I had forgotten I agreed to see Massive Attack sometime ago… well, the show is tonight. I wanted to see them several years ago as headliners for the Virgin Festival on Toronto Island, but they didn’t get into the country. *eyeroll* It should be a cool show, they are pretty groovy.

Time where does it go. I want to get to the dandelions plaguing the front lawn but I’m tired or going off somewhere… it has been a crazy week somehow. The weekend will be no different. My sister’s birthday (Happy Birthday Sis)/Mother’s Day is tomorrow north of Barrie and Sunday is another BBQ at the in-laws. They should be fun… but I’m bagged. I’d really just like some downtime… time with B. would be nice too.

Wow…Habs are finding a way and Bruins could sweep? Jez.

update :

unsung facelift. it is NOT fully complete. whenever I get time (haha) I’ll finish it.

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