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Hiking Hits and Misses

August 14, 2017 @ 09:08 pm 🔗 Post Link

Family, hiking, Cam Snell Side Trail, Glen Cross Side Trail, Hockley Valley, Shapovalov

Tanga in Hockley Valley

Tanga in Hockley Valley

I haven’t seen my sister in a while so we arranged to meet them in Hockley Valley for a hike. We found some parking at the end of the Glen Cross Side Trail on 3rd Line just past 10th sideroad. The Caledon Bruce Trail club has a map available for the Glen Cross Hike here. It was a great hike. Very hilly, with sections running beside a stream. As the Caledon Bruce Trail club has pointed out, you can make this into a loop by following the main Bruce Trail. We continued to do the Cam Snell Side Trail loop as well. Unfortunately, we continued left when we should have continued right onto the main trail. So we hiking a little longer than intended. It is a lovely section though so, no worries. Our dogs were getting tired, however. It was a godo afternoon of hiking. The Hockley Valley sections of the Bruce Trail have certainly become some of our favourites. It was also good to see my sister and BiL.

Curious orange mushrooms along the trail

Curious orange mushrooms along the trail

The trails were mostly forested. Even though it was stupid hot, it wasn’t so bad in the shade

Yesterday, we decided to do some more hiking! We drove to Georgetown to check out some of the Credit Valley Foot Path (which is a Bruce Trail side trail). We found parking on River Drive. There is a nondescript stone path (with no signage) on the same side of the road you can park on that leads down toward the river where you can access the trails. The trail follows along the Credit River. It was an average trail. There was something we suspected *may* be poison ivy along a good section of the trail. We didn’t end up getting any blisters, but we may have just been lucky. A few K-M in however the dog started, unexplainably limping so we decided to call the hike off. Bdot *sprinted* back to the car and I met her on Prince Street, after walking through the big houses on Barraclough. After resting for a bit, our dog seemed to be fine. *shrug* Since we were in the area, we treated ourselves to some incredible Allison’s corn. We also did a little loop of downtown Georgetown, since I’ve never checked it out. Looked to be a few interesting restaurants down there.

I was captivated by the run Canada’s Denis Shapovalov had at the Roger’s open. He fought hard against Zverev, who ended up beating legend Federer to win the Cup. It was a great story for Canadian tennis and bodes well for the future as Denis is only 18!

Did a significant update to the Hikes page. (Note: Hikes page is gone) Originally I had all the hikes on one page…but it was getting way too long and awkward… so each hike now has its own page. I think makes more sense anyway.

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