...a place to bury thoughts

Cut down the mightiest tree with a herring

December 12, 2010 @ 06:12 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Christmas, Family, Drysdales, JP

Chop! Chop! Hack! Hack! Timmmmmberrrrrrrrrrrr!

Chop! Chop! Hack! Hack! Timmmmmberrrrrrrrrrrr!

It is that time of the year. We drive up to Drysdaleโ€™s and hack down a tree for a monthโ€™s amusement. We went with JP and my sister who have joined us before. It was a mild outside so it was very busy. We found a fine looking tree pretty quickly and cut it down with a herring saw. Then comes the arduous task dragging it back and waiting in line for tractor to return you to the parking lotโ€ฆ The wait was long but I recall it being a colder and longer wait in the past. We had the dog with us who usually doesnโ€™t handle waiting around outside in the cold too well, but even she didnโ€™t seem to mind it too much today. I guess our veteran tree chopping experience made the process go pretty quickly. My gloves, pants and jacket were soaked however. My hands and legs therefore frozen. I was eager to get out of the cold pants when we got to JPโ€™s. The plan was to return there for dinner. JP cooked a delicious chicken and potato feast. Maybe I was hungryโ€ฆ but those potatoes were amazing, dessert was a icing covered chocolate log. Mmmm. It was a pretty quiet evening. I was sacked though by the time we got home.

Shame the Sabres couldnโ€™t find a way to beat Sid. It could have been an important two points.

So today weโ€™ll spend around the house, get the tree up, doing some cleaningโ€ฆ hope it snows. Snow is better than mud and rain in December. Bah. I have a busy week with another Dental visit Tuesday and Doctor Wednesday. It should help the week go by quickly. It has been confirmed by work that Iโ€™m off from the 23rd to the 3rd. Awwโ€ฆ ^_^

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