...a place to bury thoughts

Happy 70th Dad. :)

October 12, 2010 @ 08:10 pm 🔗 Post Link

computers, Family, hiking, www, Humber Valley Heritage Trial, Telus Sucks

Happy Birthday Dad

Happy Birthday Dad

It was the first Thanksgiving weekend I can remember that I didn’t actually eat any turkey! Saturday we drove down to Niagara for dinner with my parents, sister and BiL to celebrate my Dad’s 70th! birthday and Thanksgiving. We planned on playing 9 holes of best ball. It was a perfect day for golf: bright, slightly cool, no wind…. We played at Rolling Meadows in Niagara Falls. It was a nice course… certainly challenging for me. The game was Men v. the Women. Frankly I thought we’d smoke them. I guess my over confidence bit me on the ass. My driving was appalling bad… I don’t think we used *any* of my drives for any of the nine holes. It was ironic that two young fit men had to rely on the drives of my 70 year old Dad all the time. *sigh* Thankfully he was consist ant and straight… it certainly would have been nice to contribute on that department, but the rust of not playing for years is very apparent with my driving. My chipping and putting was okay… but not getting in one drive… Gah.. that bugs the ^#%@& outta me. The bottom humbling line:
The Women : 41
The Men : 44

B. surprisingly enjoyed golf, so we may be playing more in the future. *grin* (Maybe after some lessons… * cough*) It was a fun day with family. Happy Birthday Dad.

I’ve been have some serious issues with my gaming computer at home. Random BSOD and restarts. It was maddening… One of the BSOD said something about NTFS so… I decided to look at the Hard Drive. It was from 2002. Drives generally last around 4-5 years so I decided to put it to pasture and get a new SATA drive. HA! I love cheap drives are now. A half terabyte for under $50! I also reset my mobo settings to fail safe and so far… the issues have stopped. Which is good coz I have enough problems with the website i’m working on that I don’t need hardware issues on top of it to deal with…

FSCKING Telus… I ordered my phone from their webstore on Sept 30th. The confirmation e-mail from them said the phone would ship in 3-5 business days. Well 3-5 business days have come and gone… and nothing. No tracking info. No e-mail. No phone! So I call these monkeys and get bounced around departments for 30m until they finally discover the department I need to speak to is close. So… you can’t do anything to help me? No. Sigh…………………… Even better is the e-mail I got back from them, instead of forwarding my issue to the correct department with priority attention:
The Online Store can be contacted directly at 1-866-488-2709 or send an e-mail to weborders@telus.com. They will be closed today but you can call them tomorrow.
For further information or assistance, please reply to this message, including your original e-mail and our response. If you prefer, you may also call our Client Care Team toll free Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM, and Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM at 1-866-558-2273 (or *611 from your wireless handset).
Thank you for taking the time to write to TELUS via e-mail. We attempt to respond to questions as quickly as possible and I do regret the delay in replying to your e-mail today.

They want me to call back! Unreal. Now that is great customer service. I’ll let you know how that goes… hopefully I can get through ON MY LUNCH HOUR.

Website from hell continues to be website from hell. I spent a disgusting amount of my holiday weekend in front of the computer coding and trying to understand brutal third party software. Yes I’ve learned a lot during this development seemingly at the price of my sanity. I pray it ends soon. I’m nearly at the end of what I can do without assistance from the 3rd party software developers. I called them yesterday and my questions were beyond the scope of what help desk support provides, you can read this massive PDF manual though… Sigh.

We did get out for a 90 minute hike on the Heritage Trail with DP dog. Heh, it feels like years since I’ve walked. The fall colours are beautiful – hopefully I’m able to get in more hikes in the near future. B. cooked up a decadent roast chicken for us last night with all the delicious sides. Mmmm.

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