Happy VD
Well VD was fun with B.. It took a awhile to get on the right page… but I think the evening was quite decent. In spite of not making reservations for dinner anywhere… we were able to find a great Chinese buffet. Lots of interesting dishes. We both felt like a Thanksgiving turkeys after we left. Phew. We then met nivek and his bride-to-be in downtown TO prior to going out. We went to Montana’s – I don’t recall exactly where it is – but it was in the King/Bathurst area. An interesting bar. It was split into upstairs/downstairs, downstairs being the restaurant. Upstairs was then split into two sides, one being a live band, the other a DJ. It was clear the crowd we were with preferred the live band… They had some silly name like The last best band in the world… or something equally forgettable. Fortunately they seemed to take more time learning how to play than naming their band… they sounded quite good. (maybe a little louder than they needed to be, but the musicianship was certainly undeniable) They had a standard setup with a female vocalist who was very proud of her ass and paraded it about in leather, pleather and crazy shakey-shakes. (ahem!). Good voice tho.. bang on for Chrissy Hindes. More later…
Not sure if this is a sign of the apocalypse or not… but I’m going to a dog show this afternoon. Someone check a Bible.
Great come from behind win for the Sabres. I’m impressed. Blow leafs blow!
Re: Gawd what an annoying bunch of spam
To the jerk-off that wrote the re: spammer. Die. die. die.
You know what I’m talking about… the e-mail message contains a virus and the subject heading is any number of things starting with re:, such as, re: Document, re: I write dumb virii, re: I need a hobby, re: I’m a dumb-ass coder, re: whatever. What it is, is re-dicluous. I can’t wait until there are laws in place that allow spammers to be dragged out into the streets and tarred and feathered.
the weekend
Back a day or two… The sportsmen show was fun. We looked at many kayaks.. Hopefully this will be kayak summer! We have a lot of looking to do yet… we have about 7 or so to choose from, different fabrics, different manufactures, etc.. Not to mention prices range from 750 to 1700 or so. (there are more expensive ‘yaks, that is the price range for ‘yaks I’m looking at…) We also ran into a britney spaniel breeder… I really liked the dog he had with him and I’m looking forward to meeting more britnees. (Britnies?)
We had a crazy cold hike at Forks of the Credit… man was that wind cold… but it was still great to get out for a walk with B.. (one of many great walks we had this weekend) We bought a book written by Hiker Mike who outlines some decent hikes in Southern Ontario. We hope to do many of these hikes and some of the Bruce Trail this summer. There is a website for hiking in Ontario that may also be of use. Thanks to captain for watching remi cat.
My hard drive came from Hitachi (IBM). 😀 All that packing misery was worth it.
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