...a place to bury thoughts

grumble sputter blah

March 18, 2004 @ 06:03 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

computers, gaming, work

grumble sputter blah

grumble sputter blah

Joy. I woke this morning to find the Hard drive that I had thought I rescued from death.. to be *here it comes* dead again. Grumble. In other Hard Drive newsโ€ฆ The hard drive I sent away has been received and they are sending me a new drive! (Well likely a refurbished oneโ€ฆ.)


It never ends!

Update: link no longer works


Somehow I managed to resurrect a dead hard drive this eveningโ€ฆ and now I have a decent *server* for various online games (most notably Unreal 2004 and NWN). It meant more formatting and reinstalling. I really should be able to do this with my eyes closed. ~sigh~

I guess Iโ€™m plagued by the what to do now stage of my existence here on the grey, blue, green ball. Iโ€™m looking for work and -in all likelihood- will have to relocate in order to find it. Which is greatโ€ฆ because I have an opportunity to move closer to the biggest market and to be with the woman I want to be with. It seems so simple, yet, Iโ€™m still plagued by worry about my future. Sure I have a fair bit of computer skillZ, but they donโ€™t seem to be helping me a lot at the moment. I know what I want to be doing โ€“ web development โ€“ but Iโ€™m not getting any calls to do itโ€ฆ in spite having sent out tons of resumes. The wait is murder. I guess it is human nature to wait things now! but gawd is it every agonizingโ€ฆ the wait, the wait, the waitโ€ฆ

Big win for the Sabres in OT. 4 points from the playoffs. It seems possibleโ€ฆ.

โšฌ โšฌ โšฌ ๐Ÿ‡ช ๐Ÿ‡ณ ๐Ÿ‡ฉ โšฌ


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