...a place to bury thoughts

Back to the Grind *whipcrack*

September 16, 2019 @ 05:09 pm 🔗 Post Link

Canada, home, work, Gloucester Pool Cottage

Cottage Butterfly

Cottage Butterfly

Oh blog. So neglected. Where to even begin…

Well, segueing back to the working world has been a fairly painless transition. So far it is a decent routine. The commute is bearable. The coworkers are good and I work with Adobe and web stuff all day with the occasional trip outside. Really, I can’t complain. It won’t ever make me rich but it has certainly returned my self-pride and I’m pretty happy about that. School was good but it was a gap avoiding the reality of my grim situation. Hopefully, things continue to work out.

Oh hell yes!

Oh hell yes!

Had a great deepfryfest at the cottage during the long weekend. It was a long day Friday after I wiped the main website’s CSS file accidentally (not recommended)… it was fixed pretty quickly. I really don’t like being at the mercy of the GUI and backend… this is pretty weak web development… There is a lot of detail in the job. Slowly it is coming along.

CBC is currently projecting a Liberal minority government. Yes, it is very early and speculation… but Seat projections: 163 Liberal, 140 Con, 17 NDP, 14 Blockheads, 4 Green with popular vote: Cons 34.3, Lib 33.6, NDP 13.7, Green at 9.9. I just wanted to document this in order to compare the final result. It is really a big bad bag of bad options.

We finally replaced the hottub cover. Also getting quotes to have the house painted.

Club rides winding down, ball hockey in a few weeks.

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