...a place to bury thoughts

back to the grind

August 24, 2006 @ 06:08 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link




Well it is always nice to return to work to enter into a sudden short turn around project. It is good to be busy โ€“ I guess.

I played around with my home Server last night. At some point I should have multiple domains resolving correctly. I love Apache, it just works. I suppose *ack* Winblows doesnโ€™t suck completely for web serving. There I said it. I still think that at some point I will switch to linux.

Hmm. When I come into work each morning off the Dundas exit on the 427 there is a guy there looking for handouts of money. He has a sign that something about being homeless, having kids, he is wearing a brace on one arm. It is almost over the top. Do you believe that he is sincere? I dunno. I havenโ€™t given him anything yet. Some days I feel tempted to. At the same time the money could be going to drugs or booze.

Oh yesโ€ฆ my camera battery. Bloody hell. Well, somehow Canada Post returned it to my buddy in St.Catharines saying the address was wrong. He checked it. Resent it (didnโ€™t change the address) and of course it arrived. It arrived a day AFTER I left the cottage. Thanks Canada Post.

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