...a place to bury thoughts

Green and White

November 21, 2006 @ 05:11 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Christmas, movies, Casino Royale

Oh! ....hai!

Oh! ....hai!

Friday afternoon management decided everyone was going to see the new Bond film Casino Royale. Who am I to disagree? I thought the movie was very good. The film showed a great new direction for Bond films as well. The word โ€˜visceralโ€™ came to mind after the film. The focus was away from gadgets and onto the characters. The new Bond, Daniel Craig, was very impressive in the role. Cool as any Bond in the past. Eva Green, the female lead, was pretty stunning in the film. They played well off each otherโ€ฆ but a strong chemistry wasnโ€™t overly apparent. I enjoyed this Bond film much more than any in the recent past. Hopefully Craig will keep the role awhile. Well done 007. โญโญโญโญ

Saturday we did some Christmas shopping. Sunday we spent all day at a Vizsla meeting. We actually could have skipped it. Iโ€™ll be helping with the website, B. and I will be helping with the newsletter. Bah. We put the Christmas lights up Sunday night. After MUCH debateโ€ฆ we decided on green and white lights. They look quite good. Nothing quite like standing at the top of a ladder in cold weather struggling to string lights onto an eaves trough that doesnโ€™t want anything clipped to it. Thankfully this is only once a year.

We finally talked to a handyman last night to do some fixes around the house. Be nice to get some of that stuff done regardless of the cost. Sometimes you just want stuff OFF the TO-DO list.

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