...a place to bury thoughts

Berries and goodbyes

July 7, 2009 @ 05:07 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Canada, food, music, DJ Martin Streek



Guess what is in season? We got two big buckets of Strawberries on Sunday. I think we have enough to last for months. It is great being able to get fresh produce. Ontario rocks!

In other sad news several icons I grew up with have passed recently. Sure MJ became an oddity but his contribution to music, dance and the industry in general canโ€™t be understated. Iโ€™m sure he was a very troubled man, and 50 is waaaay to young to die at. Farah Fawcettโ€™s battle with cancer also ended. Today I got news that edge DJ Martin Streek committed suicide. That is sad news. I havenโ€™t been listening to the edge that much lately. Apparently he was โ€˜let goโ€™ in May. He was one of the few DJs on the edge I liked. He had a interesting, curious manner about him. I listened to numerous of his countdowns and live to air shows. Shame. The Edge has been spiraling downwards for a while, this certainly wonโ€™t help. RIP to all the fallen icons.

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