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Skype good, Sabres bad

January 11, 2012 @ 10:01 pm 🔗 Post Link

computers, Family, geeky and tech, linux, tanga, skype, Buffalo Sabres

Lovely google doodle

Lovely google doodle

I may have mentioned it before, but we got my Dad a tablet for Christmas. He has used it mostly for playing games, which is fine but I thought we’d try taking greater advantage of the tablet by trying to Skype. I’ve used Skype periodically throughout the years and thought it was pretty sweet tech… but seeing my Mom and Dad live remotely was very special. They also seemed quite impressed and my Dad (who I normally have a 3m convo with on the phone) stayed on Skype for close to an hour. Now that the ‘test’ was successful, my Dad is hoping to skype us from Myrtle Beach when they go on vacation. How cool is that? My Dad wants to skype me while on vacation. The nerd in me is glowing.

Wow… the Sabres. When Pegula took over I was excited and giddy… he said all the right things… Stanley Cups! No financial restrictions! Hockey Heaven! Premier hockey destination! Darcy signed a bunch of talent, the season started off great then a few injuries, then a few more and the Sabres just kept dropping down the standings, to where there are now… well out of a playoff spot, losing to the worst teams in the league, losing at home, losing on the road, no goal scoring, suspect goaltending… the suggestion of Buffalo being hockey heaven a joke. Fans are pointing at everything, the Coach, the GM, the players…. rightfully so… the Sabres look absolutely inept. I’m not sure what, if anything, will be done… they are very hard to watch. I feel like they are out of the playoffs and there is still 40 games to go. It could be 40 very long games punctuated with missing the playoffs. Ughhh.

The dog is healing and progressing well. Mentally she is already acting wacky like pre-op, then she’ll do something overly physical, strain her scars and stop after a yelp. Bdot is taking her to the vet tonight for a post-op review. Remicat has been battling with food over the past few weeks. Some days she will refuse to eat anything, her weight has been noticeable fluctuating… so she has also been on meds to increase her appetite. It is a strange see-saw relationship with food… It is sad to watch. I’m not sure she is doing herself any favours by always refusing to eat. It has been a crazy month for us humans caretaking these animals.

Our PVR/Server computer hard drive died. It has been on its way out for awhile, I think all the on and off of power during the weekend finally killed it. So I’m looking for a new solution. I’m thinking of giving Mythbuntu a try!

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