...a place to bury thoughts

Gold and Gonezo

February 18, 2022 @ 09:02 pm πŸ”— Post Link

Hockey, Sports

Canada defeats US

Canada defeats US!!

As expected, the Women’s Gold medal final in hockey was Canada v. US.. It is always a battle. It was a one goal game with Canada holding on for GOLD. At least the Canadian ladies were good.

The Men laid an egg against Sweden. They generated almost no offense at all. Disappointing. I mean ex-do-nothing Sabre Eric Staal was the captain. The lineup was very uninspiring, as was the result. Gah. It will be a ROC v. Finland final. GO FINLAND!

I decided to make the blog accessible to the Internet today. Oivey.

RIP buddy, we moved so much snow together. You will be missed.

RIP buddy, we moved so much snow together. You will be missed.

Got hammered with a ton of snow. It killed one of our shovels. It buckled in the middle. RIP.

FINALLY. Ending this nonsense

FINALLY. Ending this nonsense

Finally the police are moving in on the encampment in Ottawa…They got horse and tear gas for those who want it. About time this ridiculous siege of our capital ends. Bunch of self entitled idiots.

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