...a place to bury thoughts

Going to Ireland!

March 23, 2007 @ 01:03 pm 🔗 Post Link

geeky and tech, vacation, work, www, Ireland

ROWR! Quack…. Quack…

ROWR! Quack…. Quack…

The newest addition to my geekdom is a Viewsonic LCD Monitor (VG2230WM). ⚠️ (404 link removed - Jan/24) WHEE! I’m presently using it with my 360. It is amazing how much bigger things appear by simply adding three inches of viewable space. There are no dead pixels that I can find either. LCDs are great. Not only do I love the space I now have on my desk but the colours seem so much brighter than CRT monitors. -snort-

I timed my drive into work yesterday morning perfectly. As soon as I sat down it started pouring outside. I hate driving in the rain. However, Mother Nature caught me walking back to the office from lunch. My pants were soaked. Gah. Oh what a feeling. -frown-

IRELAND! We are booked to go in June! I just love ticket prices… A ticket for two to Ireland costs $400! but wait! there is more…. the TAXES on two people to get to Ireland is over $500! WTF?? The taxes are more than the tickets! Sigh. And you wonder why people can afford to fly overseas so rarely. To top it off the amount isn’t even explained… it is listed as ‘other taxes and fees’. Other taxes and fees? IT MAKES UP MOST OF THE TICKET – MAYBE EXPLAIN ‘OTHER’ IF IT COSTS $500! 😛

The NHL regular season is winding down… as of today the Sabres led the league! Obviously things change daily. It will be an exciting finish. It is unlikely we will know you makes the playoffs until the final games are played.

Funny clip of some sauced guy calling in to a British talk show. Hehe.

Today is the official -first day with my spring jacket- day. woot!

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