...a place to bury thoughts

How art thou Lord Gloucester?

July 17, 2006 @ 10:07 pm 🔗 Post Link

Family, media, Six Feet Under, Gloucester Cottage

Six Feet Under Cast

Six Feet Under Cast

Bah. Gasp… holy humidity batman. Spent a nice weekend at B.’s sister’s cottage last weekend. I need a name for it…B.’s sister’s cottage…how ’bout Gloucester, since it is on the Gloucester Pool…Anyway, as always we ate like kings and queens. B.’s brother in laws family are some serious cooks. Yum. Did a little boating, drinking, sleeping, work, play… usual cottage stuff.

And so it ends… We watched the final episode of Six Feet Under… (spoilers) Phew. I enjoyed the series. It was a little wacky and always entertaining. I was disappointed with how the writers decided to end the lives of some of the cast members. Did you really have to shoot Keith? I felt he deserved a better ending… The concept, however was good… what to watch now? We were thinking of starting Lost. Any suggestions would be welcome… looking for an entertaining, intelligent, funny series to watch.

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