...a place to bury thoughts

Spring gets lost in April

April 16, 2018 @ 05:04 pm 🔗 Post Link

caledon, weather, Winter, Walking Dead

Rain, Snow, Rain, Freezing rain, Snow, slush… Ugh

Rain, Snow, Rain, Freezing rain, Snow, slush… Ugh.

The weather has been brutal for a few days now… the news was imploring people to ‘stay off the roads.’ So it was a very quiet weekend. There was freezing rain, Snow, then more freezing rain. The combo laughed at me and my plastic shovel when I attempted to shovel it the first time. Our street didn’t get plowed for the entire weekend – tonight they finally got it. Well, the ‘end of the driveway’ pile was a small mountain range. It took both of us, and the neighbour’s snowblower to clear it. The rest of driveway was easier for our snowblower, so our driveway is finally clear. Exciting stuff. We had some minor tree branches fall too… We pre-emptively cleared the sewer grates too, since we are near the only one around us. So much water… when it melts – I expect some flooding in the area.



I’ve watched a truck load of sports while housebound. Bruins up 2-1. *shrug* Leafs got lucky tonight. I bet Bruins win Thursday. TFC fielded a bunch of no-name rookies for the last game and it showed. Another loss. The boys are digging themselves a mighty hole in the standings. The Reds are understandably resting the 1st liners for the CONCACAF final. Game one tomorrow!

I’ve been moving my massive digital music library over to Google Play Music. What a task. I’ve been fixing MP3 ID tags, converting FLAC to MP3, repeat… repeat…. I found a way to play the music digitally (via HDMI) so it sounds really crisp. Most of my top artists have been uploaded. However, there is still lots to sort through. I expect it will be worth it. And yes, it scrobbles!



Season 8 finale was a letdown. While I did like Rick’s epiphone, it coming suddenly, magically, was hokey. Much as the entire season has been. So many unsatisfying plot lines and characters doing illogical things. If Maggie turns on the team – I may be out. It is ridiculous. Instead of just planning to kill Negean sometime, instead, she is going to… ‘take out’ the entire team she has been with since her character was introduced? It makes no sense. I hope they don’t go there. At least Fear the Walking Dead looks promising with Morgen moving over to it…

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