...a place to bury thoughts

Capturing the Friedmans

March 10, 2002 @ 06:03 pm 🔗 Post Link

movies, Capturing the Friedmans, computers, geeky and tech, linux, media, WTF



Just finished watching the documentary Capturing the Friedmans. It is a true story about a father and son accused of molesting young boys that they taught computers to in their home. What is strange about the documentary is it really did sell guilty or innocent to me. I still can see very valid arguments for both sides. While it wasn’t the film I was expecting… it was still a very interesting look into how such a horrible charge can destroy a family and the toll it can take. I did some surfing afterwards and found a very disturbing release from the son (Jesse) here. If it is true it is an appalling miscarriage of justice. (Personally I believe it is possible in a case such as this for over zealous police and prosecutors (and parents) to create a self fulfilling prophecy and create something where there was nothing. What Jesse refers to as ‘mass-hysteria sex-abuse scandals’.) The whole thing is very interesting… no wonder the film has won so many awards… ⭐⭐⭐⭐

nixxed again

Well. After more frustration with Windows XP – I’ve naturally formatted my box and installed RedHat’s open source OS ‘Fedora’. It continues where Red Hat 9 left off… so it is pretty sweet and ready to go with tons of useful apps. If you are feeling adventuresome, check out some of these useful linux links. Did I mention it is free? (Open source?)

Update: Links now 404. Removed.


Jenn posted this interesting link to a BBC Psychology test on determining whether a person’s smile is real or fake. I thought I read people well… and I was right. I score 15/20. Test still there in 2024.

Sick Ford Commercials

Not only do they make shitty cars but now they make horribly offensive commercials… I wondered if I should post this – Ford seems to agree with notion that there is no such thing as bad advertising. Well. I strongly disagree. I certainly will NEVER buy anything Ford, EVER. I would like to think the readers of unsung are smart enough to recognize the depths this commercial has sunk to. Regardless… info here. I believe the middle video works. What were they thinking?

** Will be offensive to some. Viewer discretion is advised. Let ford know how you feel about this ad. FYI: The cat is allegedly computer generated.

The blog search feature has been added back.

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