...a place to bury thoughts

Firefox not so foxy….

February 10, 2004 @ 01:02 pm 🔗 Post Link

geeky and tech, Meme, friends, pets, tanga

not foxy

not foxy

Thanks to the mighty Q for bringing this to my attention. Apparently, most of unsung looks like crap in the new open source browser from mozilla called firefox. It is super fast for most web pages… but I don’t think the CSS renders properly… I’ll look into this.

>Hmmmpt. After some experimenting… It seems my CSS is the reason Firefox is angry. My first real play with it. It needs some mods for less forgiving browsers I guess. More shit to do. Gah.

Mutterings – Week 63

See what happens when I watch hockey (with a laptop) you get 4 entries in an evening. -heh- Anyways… since it was updated…

Virginia:: go on virginia, play it loud. your neighbors will love it. (from the liner notes of Living Colour’s Vivid)
Soft:: Core, Hard Core… (RHCP)
Carol:: This is a song for…! (Pixies)
Vanity:: Fair
Feminist:: Woman power
Alias:: obz
Coward:: -ly Lion
Beer:: Sleeman’s Honey Brown (I was looking for a SHB link but Sleeman’s site is gay so screw it…)
Chance:: of a lifetime
Honest:: y …’ is such a lonely word./ Everyone is so untrue. / Honesty is hardly ever heard. / And mostly what I need from you’ -Billy Joel

Nude Alanis! heh…

After the Janet Jackson gross boobie stunt at the Superbowl.. I thought Alanis was pretty funny at the Junos. She wore a skin tight, skin coloured body suit and joked about censorship…

Vizslas, Crafts and Heroes

Friday night I drove up to Cambridge to spend an evening with two buddies, Joe and Captain. The drive up was ‘mapquested’… ever time I drive towards Guelph I’m told to take the 5…which it apparently Dundas. I have never noticed it marked as being the 5…I’ve past it every time. We rented a few uneventful games.. ended up playing D&D Heroes until it was ridiculously late. Saving the world from evil wizards is always fun.

B. myself and another couple went to theoneofakind show on Saturday… It was pretty cool. Tons of great art and crafts. If I ever win a bunch of dumb money I’d love to shop for art… Perhaps one day. Nivek (part of the other couple) bought a funny puppet… incriminating photos soon. B. feel in love with some odd leather animal ottomans made by reiners. They kept her smiling for not less an hour. –smirk- One day one will inhabit her living room.

This morning we visited a Vizsla breeder. My first real experience with a ‘pack’ of dogs. I was pleasantly surprised. The dogs (after they calmed down) were pretty awesome. At one point I had three dogs sleeping on me. I wish I would have remembered to take a photo. It is so un-Obz-like. The rest of the afternoon we puttered around. It felt like a pretty short weekend… but I had great fun with B..

Better luck next year Sabres!

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