...a place to bury thoughts

feeling hot…hot…hot…

May 10, 2004 @ 10:05 pm 🔗 Post Link

politics, weather, U.S.A.

feeling hot…hot…hot…

feeling hot…hot…hot…

Phew. The temperature has reached at least 26 thus marking… the first day I’ve worn shorts this season! I don’t generally get that excited about warmer weather… for me it means: sunstroke, sunburns, allergies and a darkening of my lovely ghastly pale white skin. It burns! It is -however- nice to be able to get outdoors and do stuff… (it is always a catch-22 with me…)

Once again, Michael Moore is in the news because Disney has decided not to distribute his film Fahrenheit 9/11. The reasons vary, but it is has been suggested that Dubya had a role in it, since the film, like Moore’s books, depict Bush’s financial dealing with various Iraqi families. I think Dubya should spend more time worrying about running the country he was elected to represent, and spend less time using his position to help pad his family’s wallet. More on Moore.

Some lovely anti-Bush movies I surfed across.

Update: Both links valid as of Nov. 2013. Links removed.

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