...a place to bury thoughts

Father’s Day

June 19, 2011 @ 06:06 pm 🔗 Post Link

Family, home, Sibling

Father’s Day sunset.

Father’s Day sunset.

Since it was easier for everyone – we had Father’s day at my Parents on Saturday. It was a warm afternoon so we spent it outside in the shade. Eventually my sister arrived after visiting some friends she knows in the area. My dad wanted Chinese take out so that is what we got. Thanks for making the extra trip to get the Egg Fu Young, it is a treat since there isn’t a good one to be found in Bolton. It was a leisurely afternoon of progressing better beer. Yes… my Dad is known to get his beer from the States, usually whatever is cheapest. I prefer darker beers… so there is always issues when beer is involved. I hate his beer and he hates mine. *smirk* I started off with one of his, bdot took pity and went to get some Bud Lime from the liquor store. Still not awesome… but a drinkable beer, if cold, a miles better than America’s favourite. After some poking around I nearly wept upon finding four Sleeman Honey Brown in the basement. Delicious. Dessert was strawberries and cool whip. As usual we didn’t leave the house without flowers, a doggie bag of food and a some of my old belongings that they are trying to get rid of. My dad was in good spirits, it was a good time.

Today was very tiring. I continued moving dirt into the back dog-side garden. Along the back fence was a ‘rock garden’ from the previous owner, rocks or various sizes, some quite heavy ones. I moved all of them beside the shed. The rock garden will be no more. It will be recycled to become grass. I’m not sure how many wheelbarrows of dirt I moved…It must have been between 20-30, and there is still dirt left. Gah. All-star weed remover bdot de-weeded the majority of the patio. It looks nice now. It is completely de-ghetto-ed. In the evening we got groceries and had dinner out on the patio, since it was a pleasant and cool evening.

My sister did the Lake to Lake cycling race today. Despite a crash near the end, she still finished 6th. Congrats.

For my sister.

For my sister.

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