...a place to bury thoughts

So, hot enough for ya?

August 2, 2006 @ 01:08 am ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

health, weather, work

hot enough for ya?

hot enough for ya?

How many times have you heard that lately? A lot if you are living in the Northeastern U.S or Canada. It is devilโ€™s armpit hot. (to quote B.) With the humidex it was 49C today. Melt. Puddle. Sticky. Blah! Anytime Mother Nature wants to turn the oven off is fine by me.

Last week I got my blood tested. Later today (it is pretty late :P) I get the results. The results wonโ€™t be good news. Doctors donโ€™t call you in to discuss test result *if they are good*. Iโ€™d be lying if I didnโ€™t say I was somewhat anxious about thisโ€ฆ

Today was my first day at the new office where I work. (Around Dundas St.W and Shaver S. in Etobicoke) I was happy to see how close off the highway the office is. When I arrived there were boxes and wires everywhere. (Still pretty much the same when I left as well) I had to *ask* to get a window seat. Bah. It is nice to see the sun, the sky, clouds, trees and all that crazy *outside* stuff during the day. For most of the past year Iโ€™ve had no window. It is curious how much I missed such a simple pleasure. The new location has a wonderful area of green space behind it with a tennis court. Some guys at the office were already talking about playing some Tennisโ€ฆ maybe after the oven is turned off perhaps? It was a late night at work which ended with a few of my workers and I getting some Thai. We shared the yummy dishes and were happy to find a Thai replacement for the Thai we had at the old office location. I think this place is much better as well. Joy.

The night ended with a swim at a friendโ€™s place. Gawd did I ever need it. Did I mention the AC in my car doesnโ€™t work? Did I mention the office had no AC most of the afternoon? Nothing like sitting in a sweltering office for hours on end with a bunch of guys to rethink the importance of AC as an invention. Phewโ€ฆ

Woohoo! Sabres signed Max!

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