...a place to bury thoughts

Cottage Easter Weekend

April 1, 2024 @ 10:04 am ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Family, Easter, Six Mile Lake, American Fiction, Gloucester Pool Cottage, Zwift, 2024 eclipse

Taking advantage of a beautiful day

Taking advantage of a beautiful day

We spent the weekend at the cottage with my Sister-in-Law and family. I acquired the dinner ham at Fortinos. It was crazy busy there. Jez, the store closes for one day and everyone is out in a buying frenzy it seems. *shrug* It was a low key weekend. We helped the SiL rearrange this living room furniture into a very functional layout. It was great ws chatting and watching TV, which is the primary purpose of the space. Saturday afternoon we had lovely walk in Six Mile Lake Provincial Park (which is closed). Mystic never ceases to amaze as she ran around covering many times our distance. A Vizsla never seems to tire. In the evening we tried to overthrow the Racko Queen. We got close but she ultimately kept her glorious crown. We watched American Fiction which I knew nothing about but enjoyed thoroughly. It was well acted and very well written. Some of the characters were extremely funny... It is a pretty sad commentary however. The most outrageous crap a Black writer releases continues to be accepted by the White publisher. The conflict between honest art and making money was exposed. American Fiction asks a lot of questions in this wonderful satire. โญโญโญโญยฝ If that wasn't enough, we also had freshly made cinnamon buns. Oh hell yes. Sadly, I never sleep very well at the cottage. Hmmpt.

Cinnamon bun? Yes please.

Cinnamon bun? Yes please.

Bdot had a dog event planned for Sunday which was on the drive home north of Barrie. She was there to run a new agility course. You wouldn't know it from the unassuming driveway that leads into the backyard that a massive dog agility ring and a massive indoor agility building would be back there. But it was! The property was very impressive. I have no idea how many acres they own but wow... what a location. Mystic did fairly well for her first outing at a new location. We drove home with Brian and had a delicious sushi lunch. I think we both had naps. Some longer than others. *cough* I did laundry and we continued the trudge through season 3 of 13 Reasons Why. Which I'm only mildly enjoying compared to the previous seasons. Season 3 feels like a shit ton of fodder to get to the point. Not surprised it has overwhelmingly negative reviews. Yikes. 11% on RT. Yup.

Someone's backyard. Wow.

Someone's backyard. Wow.

Pretty amazing. Sadly didn't get a chance to walk all that far down it...

Going to be an odd week. Bdot is going to Aurora to watch the nephews for a few days as the SiL and Bill are off to the Dominican Republic for a vacation. Hmm.

I think I managed to replace the tube in my Zwifting bike. I'm not mechanically inclined (and may actually suffer a -1 modifier on mechanical checks for you D&D nerds) so if it works, it is a small victory. I did manage to crush a nail on one of my fingers though. Good times. Sigh.

Here come the flowers!

Here come the flowers!

Hopefully Mother Nature hasn't fooled this little flower. There may still be another Winter blast? Another sign of Spring...I've put the solar lights out in the backyard. I love free light.

The gods forsake us Friday!

The gods forsake us Friday!

Friday's eclipse is going to be interesting! Here comes the darkness. The Falls is the closest American city (the data is from NASA who only has U.S. data) but I think where I'm is essentially the same times. So we plunge into complete darkness for 3 minutes.

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