...a place to bury thoughts

ideas, cards, drugs of choice

May 10, 2003 @ 09:05 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, work, Sibling, hockey



ok… so I get up uber early (anything before 8 A.M. is early TOO for me) and leave the comfort of a warm bed (and warmer company) to drive to a Graduate conference I was all pissy about having to attend… And behold… I’m finding it enlightening and engaging and it is even making consider options I never thought I’d even entertain. So, it has been good thus far. Bravo Brock.

Business cards are a great thing. It is a tangible piece of evidence that you belong to something. Your name is on it, your title… which is hopefully something you are passionate about to some degree or at least have a strong interest in…

So, when I got mine today and (which I have been waiting for – for two months) and the e-mail address is wrong and the phone extension is wrong (really c’mon! there are maybe 20 words they had to proof on the card…), my co-worker’s got her cards too.. the extension had 5 digits… There are no 5 digit extensions that exist. Sigh… it was pretty anti-climatic and disheartening. The cards are basically useless. 😦 Oh, they did spell my name last name correctly, maybe because it is only 5 characters. hmmpt.

Anyways… driving back to the city of Brampton afterwards for dinner with my gf. She has become quite a staple in my life already. Time flutters by so quickly in her presence, her comforting, good natured, funny (ok, totally wacky on occasion), self has become very addictive. I need another hit and another and another. B. the drug of choice. Thanks for being you. Amazing to think next weekend is camping!

Heh, and happy birthday to my sister, who is single handedly conquering the world abroad. You go girl.


Gawd. I was pretty excited about the possibility of an all Canadian Stanley Cup finals… but clearly the Wild are on highly under rated team… coming back from 3-1 in the series with 3 convincing wins. Phew. Even scarier, the Ducks or the Wild WILL play for the cup. Go Sens!!

so linky baby

hmm. updated the links page with some new functionality and layout. Much better methinks. A few more modifications to come but… I think it is certainly better. Well off to see the wizard.
Update: links page has moved. Update: There is no longer a links page. Merry Christmas.

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