...a place to bury thoughts

Double Dog Duty Dammit!

December 22, 2006 @ 09:12 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Pets, Tanga, Dogs



So we are a few days into dogsitting Cairo. He is actually a pretty quiet boy. Donโ€™t think that the dogs are just sitting quietly however. It is totally wrestlemania. It is amazing how long the dogs can wrestle and fight without tiring. It seems like hours on end to me. Iโ€™ll post a photo later tonightโ€ฆ

Christmas party day at work today. Should be fun! There will be a ton of geeky goodness.

The holidays are a very busy time. Often people are unable to do all the things they want to with friends and loved ones; and actually RELAX during the holidays. Often holidays are busier and more stressful than the rest of the year. Hopefully I can find time to spend with everyone I want to. If I canโ€™t I hope the people they donโ€™t get as much time as they would like can be understanding and not take it personally. You canโ€™t always get want you want in life. Sadly there is never enough time.

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