...a place to bury thoughts

Whatโ€™s for dinner?

July 23, 2009 @ 04:07 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

food, pondering

My first lasagna. Mmmmm!

My first lasagna. Mmmmm!

There arenโ€™t many benefits from being home so much. One however is an improvement in my culinary skills. I have always enjoyed cooked if I had the time well, I have some time now, so Iโ€™ve been trying various new dinner ideas. Tonight I made my first lasagna. The reviews have been very favourable too! *grin* I guess I make a pretty good bitch.

We are away at one of B.โ€™s friends for a birthday party on Saturday. It is his 40th! Should be fun. There will certainly be a lot of drinking.

Go Lance! I really wish those fscktards that run beside and IN FRONT of the cyclists would fall off a cliff. Gwad, how stupid are these people. Surely Darwinism should have got rid of them by nowโ€ฆ ๐Ÿ˜› More security next year please. Celebration and enthusiasm are one thing, interfering and annoying the riders is another.

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