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Harris Impresses - Tr*mp well, Trumped

September 11, 2024 @ 12:09 am ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

U.S. Presidential Debate, CANMNT

Con man is gunna con
Con man is gunna con

Well the choice in candidates couldn't have been more demonstrably different than Harris and Tr*mp tonight. Harris was calm, articulate, hopeful. She presented a plan and addressed issues. She was specific and factual. And Tr*mp well... fearmongered about everything, bad mouthed everyone and lied when trapped by his horrible past. He just oozes negativity and selfishness. The only way you could possibly support that man is if you gave him money and he promised you favoured if he becomes President. IMHO, this was a great evening for Harris. She was poised and presidential. She was hopeful and presented a clear choice for Americans. I'm eager to see what happens in the polls. It would be nice if this is the end to that lying, orange sack of shit.

Canada played Mexico in a friendly tonight. It was a busy night for the ref as he interjected himself into the game flow all night. Stoppages, cards, fowls over and over...It was a dreadful game. Canada had the better chances but couldn't convert. Ended 0-0. Whoop Whoop!

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