...a place to bury thoughts

Darling Dahlin! 1-4-6-14! :D

April 7, 2018 @ 09:04 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

caledon, hiking, Bruce Trail, Vineyard Restaurant

Ugh, the hills.

Ugh, the hills.

Bdot was Zumbaing today, so I took the dog for a wet, hilly hike across from Glen Haffy park. We usually enter Glen Haffy here and hike IN the park but the Bruce Trail continues (of course) on the other side of the road. I decided to follow it today. I think the section is called โ€˜The Dingleโ€™. Oh gawd, the hills. Looooong hills, up and down, up and down. It was pretty muddy too. At some point the Bruce Trail intersected with another trail, in this area, for some unspecified reason, the Bruce Trail was barricaded by trees. The other trail was posted as closed? It made no sense. So I found a way through the trees and continued on the Bruce Trail. *smh* I didnโ€™t see any reason for the barricade. There were no down trees or any apparent reason for the trail blockage. (Nor was there anything noted on the Bruce Trail app) The trail eventually crossed a stream and back up a hill. It was a lot of climbing. It wasnโ€™t an overly interesting section. Of course, got a soaker crossing back across the stream. *eyeroll* Dog loved it.

The Sabres FINALLY won the draft lottery! And it is a great year to do soโ€ฆ The projected #1 pick is Rasmus Dahlinโ€ฆ he is exactly what the Sabres need!

Ha. Apparently, there has been a Jamaican restaurant (Vineyard) in town for three years. *eyeroll* Who knew. We sure didnโ€™t. We tried it today. It was VERY good. I may be mixing up my cuisines, but, I was hoping they would have roti. They did not. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ The Curry and Jerk chicken however was yummy.

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