...a place to bury thoughts

Cuckoo at Palgrave

February 22, 2024 @ 12:02 am ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Buffalo Sabres, Mystic, Home, Zwift, Fsck P*t*n

And their off!

And their off! (Yes that's the moon in the sky!)

I got in a rare walk at Palgrave yesterday. It was fairly warm and clear. It was a beautiful afternoon to be in the forest. The dog was nuts. Running up and down the hills. Unfortunately, chasing cyclist. (Or lapping them?) Sometimes she loses her mind from the overstimulation of the forest. She is often too far away to see her interactions with the bikers - so I can only hope neither gets harmed. Her recall is usually good but some triggers still require some work. We were moving pretty slow with an injured Max.

Sub 13

Sub 13

Had a biking buddy today push me to a sub 13 FFR today. NEW 90 day PB!

Two weeks has zipped by. My Mom returns from Mexico tomorrow evening.

Sabres had a rare win tonight in Montreal. The first line finally did something. What a sock. The story about them not wanting to salute the fans at the end of home games (for whatever ridiculous 'reason') is just another black eye on this embarrassing franchise. Those self-entitled idiot millionaires, who don't have a winning record and are almost all in down in personal stats, DARE to toss shade at the few Sabres fans that even BOTHER to overpay to watch them play. AFTER 12 YEARS OF FAILURE? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! If those clowns got what they deserved the arena would be empty. It is hard to step away from a team you've watched passionately for 35 years... but my interest in waning for sure. I'm thinking next season I may follow another team and passively check on the Sabres. They simply bring no joy and now they are actually making me angry. Additionally, there is no end in sight for the continued mismanagement and failure. Sell the Terry - the top idiot of them all!!

Reading that Russians placing flowers at memorials for Navalny are being arrested or conscripted for the front-lines??? P*t*n is such a coward. What a completely trash nation he's created. *SMH*

So happy Jon Stewart is back.

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