...a place to bury thoughts

Killaloe country

April 19, 2003 @ 05:04 pm 🔗 Post Link

Family, Killaloe, APTBT, bdot, music, relationship

you make me feel like i am whole again

you make me feel like i am whole again

It is really nice in this area about 1.5 hr west of Ottawa… trees, rocks, lakes. Beautiful. Total post card material. I’m enjoying the visit with B’s family…. I’m being fed like a King. 🙂 More dessert anyone? Got some shopping in… Managed to find a nice Gore-Tex jacket nearly 60% off so… Hello. Be back to reality tomorrow. Hopefully I will back here later this summer.

edit comments oh my!

the blog comments can now be edited… comments prior to today can only be edited by obZ. enjoy.

In other news… off to Killaloe, Ontario. Huh? picture a point in the middle between algonquin park and Ottawa…that is where i’m off to. I’m meeting B.’s parents. I hope things go well. Ta, for now kids.

Update: site is now WordPress

in the works

It was suggested by a crazy voodoo stick carrying friend that it would be nice to be able to edit blog comments AFTER submission… So… it is in the works… The code already exists so… it should come together quickly. I’ll let’cha know when it is good to go!

it’s worth the drive to Brampton

‘She makes you feel free and that’s how it should be…’
-from Cut Up by Ned’s Atomic Dustbin

‘whenever I’m alone with you you make me feel
like i am home again whenever i’m alone with
you you make me feel like i am whole again

whenever i’m alone with you you make me feel
like i am young again whenever i’m alone with
you you make me feel like i am fun again…’

-from lovesong by the cure

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