...a place to bury thoughts


June 24, 2006 @ 08:06 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

computers, media, Xbox Gaming



Iโ€™m loving the laptop. What a useful little toy. I can see many future uses for it both work and play. It has that fingerprint scan technology on itโ€ฆ it seems to work quite well. One finger swipe and Iโ€™m logged in. Pretty โ€˜coo. IBM does load it with a bunch of crap thoughโ€ฆ it will take awhile to determine what is actually useful.

B. and I have finally finished season four of Six Feet Under. Phewโ€ฆ what a great series. One more season left. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

I bought an Xbox off one of my co-workers. My original Xbox was having issues playing DVDs (and games) properly. It constantly skipped. Soโ€ฆ for many times less (cough) than the original cost of the Xbox.. I have another seven more games and two more controllers. It is mostly for getting together with the guys for easy multiplayer gaming, although I do have a few games on my Xbox Iโ€™d like to finish.

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