...a place to bury thoughts

Cold start to 2018

January 15, 2018 @ 07:01 pm 🔗 Post Link

hockey, home, In Memoriam, outdoors, Line of Duty, R.I.P. Dolores O’Riordan, The Chef Upstairs

Goodbye Christmas tree. 😦

Goodbye Christmas tree. 😦

The strange weather continues in early 2018. Above 0 a few days then back down around -15, sometimes in the same day. There has also been freezing rain and more snow. The unstable weather has made skiing conditions impossible. Blah. We have taken down the main Christmas tree as you can see above.

Saturday night was bdot’s work “Christmas party”. They held it at The Chef Upstairs. It was a fun night. The Chef Upstairs allows you to actively participate in making your dinner. I find it better than sitting around… We made a three-course meal with steaks as the entree. The steaks were delicious. The staff was engaging and kept the evening light and interactive. One of the better parties for sure.

We’ve been sucked into another British (BBC) crime drama called Line of Duty. It has had some pretty dramatic plot twists, the acting is solid and you definitely get opinionated about the characters. We are through two seasons and we are enjoying it.

Icy river during yesterday’s walk

Icy river during yesterday’s walk

We’ve been sucked into another British (BBC) crime drama called Line of Duty. It has had some pretty dramatic plot twists, the acting is solid and you definitely get opinionated about the characters. We are through two seasons and we are enjoying it.

Sabres continue to limp along at the bottom of the league. No major trades made. Glimmers of hope are visible with Mittlestud, Ullmark and Gulhe. Otherwise, the roster is 80% underachieving garbage. Sigh.

Team Canada released its non-NHL-player roster for the Olympics. What a gong show. Derek Roy? Really? Ugh. I recognize only a handful of other players. How disappointing. It is a shame $$$ prevents seeing a best on best tournament.

Tr*mp continues to embarrass the U.S. internationally every week. The lies and sewage that seeps from his twitter feed and his face continues to shock and dismay most of the World. I think what little international reputation the U.S. has left, will be non-

Me 'Family Guyed'. Close, I guess.

Me “Family Guyed”. Close, I guess.

R.I.P. Dolores O’Riordan

R.I.P. Dolores O’Riordan

Saddened to hear of the passing of another 90s era singer. R.I.P. Dolores O’Riordan (Cranberries). She was only (gasp!) 46.

FYI. All Christmas trees were taken down by January 17th. 😐


Ugh. A friend from my Brock Press days recently had heart surgery. Sadly it didn’t take and he has passed away. R.I.P. mighty Q. 😦

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