...a place to bury thoughts


October 21, 2003 @ 05:10 pm 🔗 Post Link

work, www, bdot, Family

Congrats Mom

Congrats Mom

A nice work from home day. I did a lot of coding. Ok… not all related to work… but anyways… -smirk- Pretty quiet. A nice break after how busy I’ve been. Helped B. with her site a bit as well, which is IMHO now looking pretty decent… some small changes yet to come… but we certainly improved it today.

Weddings, Phones and fun…

Huh, another blur of a weekend. My Cousin’s wedding was Saturday. There was some apprehension prior to the wedding about how things would go… But fortunately for my cousin things went quite well… and I think most of the attendees had a great time. The wedding was held in Ball’s Falls in the ‘barn’. Once decorated it was pretty decent. The day started quite early (for a weekend for me anyways) at around 7… I was in the wedding party and helped set up the hall.. zipped around all morning long…

Today was also MOST REGRETTABLY the day of my mother’s graduation from University. Big kudos to her for graduating with her B.A. in Psychology, what a wonderful achievement! In juggling all the things to do today I was not able to stay to see her graduate… I was extremely disappointed by this but HAD to be at photos for the Bride. Sigh.

Anyways…The night turned out to be wonderful with B.. With every step forward we take together things fit better together and feel more and more right. (Not to be confused with the feeling in your stomach when you know things are -wrong-) I can see a long future for us together already… She has impressed me in so many ways I can hardly define them all. She just makes me feel so loved. I feel truly blessed to have met her. Thanks to whomever made it possible. Well– enough gush.

Sunday we did a little shopping. I switched cell service providers from Fido to Telus. Fido can’t match their coverage so… bu-bye doggies. The evening ended with a great dinner with my family JP and B.. I’m going to try and fix an annoying problem with my Digital camera now. Later.

* weeding now wedding thanx to RKG.

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