...a place to bury thoughts


February 13, 2010 @ 07:02 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Canada, Sports, Olympics

Winter Olympics

Winter Olympics

Huh, didnโ€™t blog all week. Iโ€™m such a slacker. There isnโ€™t much going on during the work week other than the work routine anyway. I caught some sorta bug on Thursday and stayed home Friday. I was feeling fairly awful. No way I could concentrate well enough to work feeling all achy and with a massive headache. Bah. I feel better today but Iโ€™m coughing a bit still and my throat still feels like coarse sandpaper has been rubbed down it when I cough.

It was a tragic start to the Olympics to hear about the Georgian Luger who died. Very sad.

The opening games were pretty neat. I always feel they drag on waaaaaaaaaaaaay too long. I think Yanofsky did an awful job with our national anthem. I donโ€™t know whoโ€™s idea it was to let her do the jazzy or whatever version but gawdโ€ฆ you should be charged with treason. Our national anthem should not be used as an opportunity to showcase a singerโ€™s unique singing style. I *expect* to hear it a certain way. It is not to be interpreted and played with. I donโ€™t think many things are sacred, but the anthem is. They should have let kdLang sing it, it would have been awesome, much like the song she did perform.

Iโ€™m looking forward to see how Canada does in the Games. It will be nice to watch sports and not see the Sabres sucking.

Going back downtown to hopefully sort our B.โ€™s Christmas giftโ€ฆ the ring that keeps on giving.

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