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Ireland โ€“ Day Eight : Bushmills, Friends and Castles

June 17, 2007 @ 10:06 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Ireland, Vacation, Bushmills, Friends, Carrickfergus

Prepare to fire!

Prepare to fire!

Sadly the final day at the cottage has arrived. We packed, cleaned and were on our way to Bushmills. The distillery grounds stunk of something nasty. Phew! The gift shop was nice, you can get pretty much anything imaginable with the Bushmills name on it. I donโ€™t really care for whiskey much but there was a lot of interesting history about Bushmills and their factory. After Bushmills we stopped one of B.โ€™s auntโ€™s friends that lives in the area. Her friend was lively and outgoing; it was a pleasure to have met her. We continued from there down the coast. Wowโ€ฆ the roads along the coast are crazy and intimidating often barely one lane along beside a massive drop to rocks below. Eek! Is that tiny stone wall really going to stop a car? I donโ€™t think so.

We stopped for lunch in Cushendall. By some strange coincidence we came across the only Vizsla in Northern Ireland in Cushendall. We met a typically bouncy and fun V. named Molly who was from Southhampton U.K., it made me miss my dog a little more. We carried on to Carrickfergus to see the castle there. The castle was very impressive. Sadly there was little to do at the castle and there were no activities or tours available. Still to stand within a castle that was actually sieged and has stood for hundreds of years was awesome. In the evening we visited more of B.โ€™s family. Her family is very friendly. Today we finally got some rain in the evening, must be because we are leaving.

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